- 1: Firmenkunden.
- 1.1: Sprachtraining (Gruppen).
- 1.2: Sprachtraining (individuell).
- 1.3: Kulturkompetenz.
- 1.4: Führungskräfte.
- 1.5: Themenworkshops.
- 1.5.1: communication tactics.
- 1.5.2: cultural competence.
- 1.5.3: technical communication.
- 1.5.4: presentation techniques.
- 1.5.5: negotiation skills.
- 1.5.6: issues in human resources .
- 1.5.7: office management.
- 1.6: Ãœbersetzungen.
- 1.7: Dolmetscher.
- 1.8: Einstufungstests.
- 2: Sprachschulungen privat.
- 3: Sprachprüfungen.
- 4: Referenzen.
Issues in Human Resources
Description of Module
Job advertisements, job references, job applications:
- How to write job advertisements.
- Looking at job references: how do these differ from references written in German?
- How to reply to job applications: writing invitations or turning applicants down.
Recruitment and selection:
- Discussing the process and possibilities for doing so.
- Problems and solutions in this area.
- Questions to ask the candidate - role playing the situation in English.
- Formulating good questions.
- The role of body language and voice in the interview: what to look out for, and what to avoid.
- What motivates employees?
- How to encourage the workforce (e.g. to reduce absenteeism etc.)
Training and Teambuilding:
- Off the job training
- On the job training (coaching and mentoring etc.)
- Career develpopment issues (secondment, job rotation, further study possibilities)
- Team building issues (leadership, maximizing performance, conflict management
Performance Reviews:
- Interviews to review employee performance,
- Evaluation of job,
- Discussing salary increases etc.
- How to negotiate with employees.
Times: Thursday/ Friday 08.30 – 18.00/19.00 o’clock
Saturday 09.00 – 13.00 o’clock