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Cultural Competence (anglo-american)

Description of module

The module is designed to give the whole learning experience in English.

General knowledge: history, politics, geography…


• Introduction, Small Talk
• Talking about your department, responsibilities, international contacts, cross-cultural experiences

Body Language in different Cultures

• Gestures
• Mimics, Countenance
• Dress codes
• Posture and Way of Walking

Cross-Cultural Communication Strategies

• “Breaking-the-ice” Techniques: small talk, anecdotes, jokes, irony
• “Keeping-it-going” Techniques: idioms, phrasal verbs, filling words, exclamations 
•  Real-Life Topics of a Global Village: current events, fashions, concerns (taken from business, politics, technology, fashion, literature, sports etc)

Cultural Sensitivity

• Diplomacy Skills: polite noises, political correctness
• Cultural Awareness:
          - knowledge of cultural behaviour patterns, do’s and
            do-not’s in the USA
          - knowledge of prejudices 
          - knowledge of yourself
          - comparison of international corporate philosophies
          - comparison of international work ethics
• Cultural Adaptability and Tolerance: training cross-cultural flexibility and communication skills within simulated or real (!) cross-cultural encounters

Schedule (example): two days, 8.30 am – 5 pm

The maximum number of participants is 8